Day 8: Sunday, April 30

Golfo Dulce

Sunday's route took us to the southernmost point in the cruise, just a tad less than 7 degrees from the equator. The ship then changed to a northwesterly heading toward Golfo Dulce, a bay along the Coast of Rica (nyuk, nyuk). Got up about 8, and yes, that includes the time change during the night. Jill wanted to finish her book down in the Explorations Cafe, and I said I'd join her shortly so that we could review the pictures from the canal transit. Grabbed a bite of breakfast in the Neptune Lounge while I filled in the journal for day 7 (Amador), then headed to the cafe. Jill and I reviewed the three hundred or so pictures from Friday, deleting 39 that were either poor quality (blurred or dark) or duplicates. Eventually, I'll assign filenames to those that match our photo numbering scheme, but didn't have enough battery life for that by the time we were done. Also sent an email. Had received an email from Bill with a screen snapshot of the webcams showing us at both the Centennial Bridge and at Miraflores Locks. On the latter picture, you can actually make out the two bodies on the front railing of the Sky Deck that correspond to me and Jill.

I put the laptop back on the charger. After Jill finished her book, we filled up a laundry bag for the cleaning crew, and then set out to find a lounge with an empty table (not easy to find on a sea day when the weather is warm--everyone is inside) to play a couple games of cribbage. Found a window-side table in the Explorer's Lounge where Jill narrowly beat me twice. Finished the second game just in time for lunch in the Pinnacle. Hadn't tried that yet, and in fact on the Zaandam, the alternative restaurant wasn't even open for lunch. Had a very tasty and leisurely lunch, and cleared out just as people started arriving for the 2:00 wine tasting. Jill had a spa appointment at 3:00 or something, so I took a short nap as the ship sailed into the golfo.

Watched some of the scenery after getting up from my nap. The CR coast is lush and thick, with very little evidence of habitation. The weather was warm but calm, and I took a couple of pictures from the veranda. But there aren't really any points of interest; it's a coastline better suited to a panoramic shot with a movie camera.

the 'Coast of Rica'
Thick jungle on steep slopes line the shore of Golfo Dulce

sailing in Golfo Dulce
Occasionally, we saw a structure or some other sign of civilization on a narrow strip between water and jungle. This one appeared to be a house with a few boats.

sailing in Golfo Dulce
The coastline of the gulf is marked by many bays and jutting points of land between them.

Since this was a sea day, I thought about making my 6 laps of the lower prom, but decided it might be a bit warm for that at 3:30 or so in the afternoon. Instead, I watched the scenery go by from the treadmill in the fitness center. Showered and rested after that, and started the 'Day 8' page of the journal. JIll got back about 4:30 and helped fill in some details in the journal.

It was "informal" dress night, and we had to decide whether to dress for dinner before going to the show or after. We chose the latter. Met up with M&D in the Crow's Nest, the first time we'd even seen them that day, and watched the sunset and talked before Jill and I left to change, and Mom left to attend the jewelry sale. Jill and I went to the variety show, which included the "sound effects guy," a juggler, and the "Piano Man" who had headlined the night before. Enjoyed the show, but the sound effects guy doing his impression of a first-time cruiser was the best part. Met up in the dining room for dinner, and then adjourned again to the piano bar for swing era name that tune. This one was significantly more difficult, for us at least. Another team got all the questions correct, and only missed a perfect score because they came in late. We thought about staying up for the next set, but I got tired suddenly, and Jill was complaining of a questionable stomach.

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