Day 16: Monday, May 8

At Sea

Spent a lazy day at sea. So lazy, in fact that I didn't really write more than a few words in the journal. (As I discovered later when preparing this page for the website. What follows is a reconstruction of the day's events, as best as I recollect them.)

Headed to the Explorations Cafe after I got up, to download pictures, update the journal, and send and receive email.

As suite passengers, Jill and I were invited to a special brunch in the Crow's Nest at 11:30. They were a bit late getting everything set up, and we got to witness the head chef, Thomas, show a little frustration with his staff. Soon, though, the food was ready, and we enjoyed a nice sampling of finger foods and tasty delicacies.

After that, took a nap, as usual, and then headed down to the lower prom for my afternoon constitutional. The weather was windy and brisk. We'd apparently left the warm temperatures in Cabo for good.

Mom and Dad stopped by the cabin later, I think.

Had the TV on as we showered and changed for dinner. Watched some of the farewell talk that had been taped earlier, and then part of a documentary on pirates, probably on the History Channel.

Jill and I headed up to the Crow's Nest (which by this time we were calling the 'Nose Crest'--the Cruise Director jokingly called it "the room with a few" when referring to the after-dinner period, as the old folks seldom stayed up late enough to create any nightlife). Snapped a picture of our stalwart serving staff. Mom and Dad went to the show and met us later.

Our serving staff in the Crow's Nest: Leah, Ogie and _________

Followed the usual routine: dinner in the dining room and Name That Tune in the Piano Bar. The theme for the contest was 'childhood songs' and Randall was dressed for the evening in a diaper, bib and bonnet. I nearly died laughing when I walked into the piano bar and saw him sitting on the balustrade.

Randall, dressed in baby clothes for the "Childhood Songs" Name That Tune

We tied for first place, and received a Mag-Lite as the prize. Also had Randall take a shot of the four of us in our "assigned" seats, which turned out to be one of the best group pictures of the entire trip.

group shot in the piano bar
The four of us enjoying another fun night in the Piano Bar.

Strolled by the "Late Night Snack" in the Lido after the Piano Bar festivities ended (I guess they don't call it the Midnight Buffet anymore), not because we were hungry but because I wanted to see what the kitchen meant by southwestern. (It was Tex-Mex.)

Didn't feel like staying up, so went to bed.

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