Day 12: Thursday, May 4

At Sea

This being a sea day, the only plans were to update the journal, send email, send out some laundry, and relax until time for the afternoon Name That Tune in the piano bar. Jill slept in. I stumbled across M&D in the Lido after breakfast.

After downloading the pictures from yesterday, I headed to the cafe for the computer activities. Jill joined me, and we sorted the pictures and numbered those taken since the canal crossing. Took a break for lunch, then picked back up with the work on the digital photos. I'd set up a numbering scheme for the pictures (pccXXYY, where XX is the day of the cruise and YY is the sequence number for the photo taken on that day), but for that to work properly, we have to download from both cameras, examine each picture and determine which ones to delete, and then copy the "keepers" from the overall Library into the album (folder) created specifically for the cruise. In the album, the pictures display chronologically, and then we change the filename to the predetermined numbering sequence. The problem we had with pictures early in the cruise is that the clock on Jill's camera was not set properly. It was about 2 hours and 50 minutes early, so the pictures in the album would be out of order. We spent a good deal of time on Thursday changing the time stamp on all the pictures taken of the Gatun locks. Jill reset the clock before we started taking the afternoon pictures, so those were closer. Once the time was corrected, we could sort out any remaining photos that we didn't want to keep (we'd already culled about 35 from that day's shoot) and then copy them to the album so we could start numbering them. Got about 80 numbered before it was time to break off to attend the afternoon Name That Tune. Only 172 left to go. All the other days' pictures are up to date, sorted and numbered. Decided that using both day and sequence identifiers is a much better idea than using just the sequence, as I've done with all the previous vacation shots.

Had a fun time at the NTT, where the song titles this time filled in blanks in a story. Finished there and had to bail because AA was meeting in the bar at 4:00. No, really.

Nap time. I was up first, naturally, and spent a bit of time on deck just watching the sea go by. Back to the cabin, where Jill was up and watching TV while we starting thinking about getting ready for the Mariner Party. Informal dress tonight, so I showered while Jill changed. Mom and Dad popped in the stateroom while we were getting ready, but then popped out again. I guess they thought they were in the way or slowing us down or something, but we found them in the Crow's Nest a few minutes later after we had gotten dressed. Then down to the Rubens for the Mariner party, where we were recognized for having earned our 25-day pin. (Earned and surpassed, as we will have completed 34 days by the time we disembark in Seattle.)

Had some champagne on the Captain, and heard about some very old Holland America stories and some very high Mariner numbers (700 days--imagine!). Then to dinner, where we skipped dessert so as to make it to the Piano Bar in time to get good seats for Randall's place-themed NTT. He kicked us out at 10:12 so we could attend the show in the lounge featuring his friend Elvy Rose. She put on a good show, with a combination of Latin songs and American standards, finishing with 'Don't Cry For Me Argentina'. From there we headed aft and up to catch the Dessert Extravaganza, today's theme for the daily "late night snack." Had a sampling of some nice desserts, but after that it was definitely time for bed.

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